Il-Konkors Nazzjonali tal-Poeżija
2012, li l-Għaqda Poeti Maltin nediet fl-1 ta’ Lulju 2012, ġie fi tmiemu
b’Serata ta’ Premjazzjoni li saret il-Ġimgħa, 16 ta’ Novembru, fis-sala tas-Soċjetà
tal-Arti, Manifattura u Kummerċ, il-belt Valletta.
Din is-sena wkoll kien hemm għadd
sabiħ ta’ konkorrenti, Membri tal-Għaqda Poeti Maltin u mhumiex.
Il-Ġurija li eżaminat il-poeżiji
kienet magħmula mis-Sinjuri George Falzon, Louis Briffa u l-Inġ. Maurice Mifsud
Il-Konkors kellu tliet taqsimiet:
tal-Malti, tal-Ingliż u tat-Taljan.
Ir-rebbieħa f’kull kategorija kienu dawn li ġejjin:
Bit-Taljan ġiet fl-Ewwel Post
il-poeżija “Intimità” ta’ Christine
Borg Farrugia. Fit-Tieni Post ġiet
“Patéma” ta’ Mario Attard.
Fit-taqsima tal-Ingliż l-Ewwel ġiet
il-poeżija “Blue Tongued Lizard” ta’
Donovan Gatt. It-Tieni ġiet “Vaudeville” ta’ Kristina Miggiani.
L-Ewwel fit-Taqsima tal-Malti ġiet
il-poeżija “Bersall”, ta’ Therese Pace.
Fit-Tieni Post ġiet il-poeżija “Nawfraġju Ieħor” ta’ Stefano Farrugia. Fit-Tielet Post ġiet il-poeżija “Rabta”, ta’
Mark Amaira.
Therese Pace ngħatat ukoll il-Premju
‘Mons. Amante Buontempo’, bħala r-Rebbieħa assoluta tal-Konkors Nazzjonali
tal-Poeżija 2012.
The National Poetry Competition
2012, that the Maltese Poets Association ħad launched on the 1st. July, was
concluded during an Evening of Awards on Friday, 16th November, at the hall of
the Society of Arts, Manufacture and Cmmerce in Valletta.
As in the past editions this year
there was also a good number of competitors, Membrs of the Association, and
The Board that examined the poems
was made up of Mr. George Falzon, Mr. Louis Briffa and Ing. Maurice Mifsud
The competition had three sections:
Poems could participate in Maltese, English and Italian.
The winners of each section are as
The poem in the Italian section,
classified in the First Place was “Intimità”
by Christine Borg Farrugia. Second Place
was given to “Patéma” by Mario Attard.
In the English section, the poem
classified in the First Place was “Blue
Tongued Lizard” by Donovan Gatt.
Second was “Vaudeville” by
Kristina Miggiani.
The First poem in Maltese was “Bersall”, by Therese Pace. Second was “Nawfraġju Ieħor” of Stefano
Farrugia. Third Place was given to the
poem “Rabta”, a poem by Mark Amaira.
Therese Pace was also awarded the
‘Mons. Amante Buontempo’ Prize, as the overall winner of the National Poetry
Competition 2012.
Grazzi kbira lil min jiehu hsieb din il-blog aggornatissima. Bicca xoghol tixraq tassew lill- Ghaqda Poeti Maltin.