Nhar it-Tnejn, 19 ta' Ottubru 2009, Membri tal-Kumitat tal-Għaqda Poeti Maltin żaru lill-E.T. Dr George Abela, President tar-Repubblika fil-Palazz Presidenzjali, il-Belt Valletta.
Wara li President tal-Għaqda, Alfred Massa, introduċa lill-membri kollha tal-Kumitat, ta rendikont lill-President Abela dwar l-istorja u l-attivitajiet li l-Għ.P.M. torganizza minn żmien għal żmien. Dr Abela wera interess kbir u wara li feraħ lill-Għaqda għall-ħidma tagħha b'riżq il-poeżija f'pajjiżna, għamel diversi mistoqsijiet kemm dwarha kif ukoll dwar il-qagħda tal-poeżija fil-gżejjer tagħna. Huwa ħeġġeġ lill-membri tal-Kumitat biex jissuktaw b'ħidmiethom għax qal din it-tip ta' edukazzjoni għandu bżonn il-poplu tagħna. Il-President stqarr li hu jħobb ħafna l-poeżija u jieħu gost meta jattendi għal xi ċerimonja li tkun tinkludi anki l-qari ta' poeżiji. Huwa wiegħed kull għajuna lill-Għ.P.M. u offra saħansitra l-bitħa tal-Palazz Presidenzjali kemm-il darba tkun tinħtieġha biex torganizza xi attivita' fiha.
Charles Magro mbagħad irregala bħala tifkira lill-President ta' Malta, Medalja tal-Għ.P.M. u sett Antoloġiji li l-Għaqda ppubblikat kemm ilha mwaqqfha. Is-Segretarju offra anki donazzjoni f'isem l-Għaqda għall-Community Chest Fund; ġest li l-President Abela apprezza ħafna meta ftakar li dik kienet ġejja minn persuni li voluntarjament qegħdin jaħdmu b'riża il-poeżija f'pajjiżna.
On Monday, 19th October 2009, committee members of the Maltese Poets Association visited The President of the Republic, His Excellency Dr. George Abela, at his Presidential Palace in Valletta.
After the Association President, Alfred Massa, introduced the committee members, he gave President Abela an account of the history and activities that the association organizes from time to time. Dr. Abela was very interested and after he congratulated the association for its work in the interest of poetry in our country, he made various questions about the same Association and about the state of poetry on our islands. He urged the committee members to keep up their work as, he added, it is this kind of education that our people need. The President declared that he loved poetry a great deal and loves it when he attends a ceremony that also includes the reading of poetry. He promised to help the GĦ.P.M. and even went as further as to offer the Presidential Palace courtyard every time the Association needs it to host an event.
Charles Magro, then presented the President of Malta with the GĦ.P.M. Medal and a set of anthologies that the Association has published since its inception. The Secretary also offered a donation in the name of the Association, for the Community Chest Fund which President Abela appreciated very much especially considering the fact that it is coming from a group of persons who voluntarily work to promote poetry in our country.