
Friday, December 14, 2012

Poetry Reading at the Café Rocher

The Maltese Poets Association is launching a series of poetry at the café Cafe Rocher , located on the left as one enters from Gate City. This will take place on every first Saturday of each month at 10am, except when it is a holiday.
The poems read can be of any language, provided that the poet is willing to explain if the language is not one we Maltese are accustomed to.
The first meeting will take place on Saturday, 5 th January, 2013. The Maltese Poets Association members and the general public are invited to bring their poems which they would like to read. 
With this, The Maltese Poets Association is giving space to Maltese poets to communicate and express their thoughts and feelings with other people, thus giving chance for their poems to be appreciated. This will be hosted in a friendly atmosphere between a cup of coffee and another. 
We encourage everyone to take part in this activity. 

Żjara tal-President ta' Malta

Il-President ta' Malta se jżur lir-residenti tal-Faċiltà Korrettiva ta' Kordin u jixtieq li jagħmel donazzjoni ta' kotba (l-aktar bil-Malti). Iż-żjara tal-President se ssir nhar il-21 ta' Diċembru u ż-żmien hu naqra kontrina. Għalissa min jixtieq li jagħti donazzjoni ta' kotba għandu juri x-xewqa tiegħu lis-Sur Patrick Sammut, Viċi-President tal-Għaqda Poeti Maltin fuq email address jew lis-Segretarju, is-Sur Salv Sammut fuq email address Wara, jingħata tagħrif kif wieħed għandu jgħaddi d-donazzjoni tiegħu.
Inħeġġu lil kulħadd biex min jista', jikkopera. Hemm il-ħsieb li jiġu msemmija l-ismijiet tad-donaturi.