Il-poeti li ħadu sehem f'dan il-proġett huma Dr Karmenu Mallia, Salv. Sammut, Margaret Attard Baldacchino, Lino Grech, Mario Attard, Dr Joe Zammit Tabona, Alfred Palma, Therese Pace, Charles Magro, Patrick Sammut, Miriam Camilleri, Jane Micallef, Alfred Massa, Dr Emmanuel Attard Cassar, Jonathan Balzan, Omar Seguna, Mary Doris Chircop, Godwin Cini u Raymond Grech.
Il-proġett kien sponsorjat mill-Bank of Valletta.
Nineteen poets, all members of the Maltese Poets' Association, each published a poem in English (bookmark) with the aim that these poems will be distributed in hotels primarily for tourists visiting our country. The themes and styles are various. In this way, interested tourists may take one of these bookmarks gratis whilst at the same time getting an insight into Maltese contemporary poetry.
The poets participating in this project are Dr. Karmenu Mallia, Salv Sammut, Margaret Attard Baldacchino, Lino Grech, Mario Attard, Dr. Joe Zammit Tabona, Alfred Palma, Therese Pace, Charles Magro, Patrick Sammut, Miriam Camilleri, Jane Micallef, Alfred Massa, Dr. Emmanuel Attard Cassar, Jonathan Balzan,Omar Seguna, Mary Doris Chircop, Godwin Cini and Raymond Grech.
The project was sponsored by Bank of Valletta.